Posted by Maria Buchanan on March 17, 2023

We’re back with the second half of the cast of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (did you miss Part 1? read it here!) to learn a little bit more about them, their theatre history, and (of course) the burning question in everyone’s mind: do they drink coffee or tea, and how do they take it?
We’re speaking here with Brad Mills (playing Spike), Jane Bushway (playing Cassandra), and Scott Treadway (playing Vanya).
NCSC: Hi you three! So, the other half of the cast all drink coffee– any tea drinkers here?
BM: Coffee for me. With a tiny bit of cream.
JB: Coffee. Black. And lots of it.
ST: Oh, Coffee. By many many miles.
NCSC: Well, there’s no question about it folks! This cast is one java fueled group. (Be right back, just making a reminder to go buy another bag of beans as we head into tech weekend…)

NCSC: Now that you’re all caffeinated and ready to chat, tell me about your first experience onstage!
ST: I did puppet shows for my sister growing up, but I suppose the answer is Richard in The Man Who Came to Dinner in High School.
NCSC: And with that, your career in comedy took off! I think folks who are used to seeing you play the comedian will be pleasantly surprised by the range required in VSMS (You don’t miss this one, people!)
BM: Kindergarten for me. A traveling troupe asked for volunteers and I got pulled up onstage.
NCSC: How sweet. It must have been a good experience for you to still be doing it today!
JB: I played a witch in Sleeping Beauty when I was about eight years old.
NCSC: We’re you a good witch or a bad witch?
JB: The evil one. Typecasting then and now. hahaha

NCSC: What about being onstage now? Do any of you have pre-show rituals or superstitions?
ST: I say a little prayer for focus and inspiration.
JB: I always knock wood. Both a wall and my head. My head is the harder of the two…
NCSC: Aw! Scott and Janie, that’s all very wholesome. What about you, Brad?
BM: I’m usually still trying to get off book……
NCSC: Oh my. Maybe Scott and Janie will say a prayer and knock wood for you too!

NCSC: We all have horror stories about sharing dressing rooms in the past–but I’ve created a little competition to find out who is The Best Dressing Roommate. What do you do to make it a happy space for everyone?
JB: I love being a team member, laughing, and bringing treats.
NCSC: Treats: the easiest way into an actor’s heart!
ST: I’m not sure I can find a single reason why I would fit that designation. I feel certain I talk way too much.
NCSC: Maybe we can reframe that as “I’m a great conversationalist”… Brad, what’s your dressing room superpower?
BM: I’m neurotically clean.
NCSC: Oh, bless you. You probably even push your chair in when you get up from the dressing table too!
Well, that’s all folks! You’ve met every member of the cast bringing you this brainy, clever, absurd, and surprisingly poignant comedy opening THIS WEDNESDAY March 22nd!
Now grab yourself a ticket or two at to come see them onstage!
Maria Buchanan is the Audience Relations Manager at NC Stage
*denotes member of Actors’ Equity Association