When director Patrice Foster was assembling this ensemble of folks to tell Sophocles’ classic story of the defiant young woman Antigone and her uncle–and King of Thebes– Kreon, she looked for “people who were heart-centered and understood the work. People who weren’t afraid of the unknown.” As she talks about […]
The 2023-24 Season is Here
We open with the highly personal, extraordinarily informative, and achingly human play What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schreck. Nominated for two Tony Awards and a Pulitzer Prize finalist, this play offers a provocative and often comedic balance of history and eye-opening narrative leading The Washington Post to […]
The Characters and the Women Behind Them
Written by Maria Buchanan and Des Brotak, May 18, 2023 “It’s a true story. Or total fiction. Or a play about a play. Or a raucous resurrection…” These words– from the publisher’s description of the irreverent comedy by Lauren Gunderson– feel anything but helpful when trying to determine if this […]
Meet the Cast of VSMS Part 2!
Posted by Maria Buchanan on March 17, 2023 We’re speaking here with Brad Mills (playing Spike), Jane Bushway (playing Cassandra), and Scott Treadway (playing Vanya). NCSC: Hi you three! So, the other half of the cast all drink coffee– any tea drinkers here? BM: Coffee for me. With a tiny […]
Meet the Cast of VSMS Part 1
We speak with three members of the cast of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike about two of the most important things in life: theatre and coffee.
It’s a Play About What?
Posted by Maria Buchanan on January 24, 2023 Next up at NC Stage is Duncan Macmillan’s heartfelt and joyous play: Every Brilliant Thing. This unique solo piece starring WNC’s own Scott Treadway isn’t actually so much a play as it is an interactive monologue, telling the story– with help from […]
It Takes Two
Posted by Maria Buchanan on January 13, 2023 Scott Treadway and Charlie Flynn-McIver have been seen together onstage in western North Carolina for two decades in over a dozen plays, but NC Stage’s upcoming solo show Every Brilliant Thing — in which Treadway is the only actor and Flynn-McIver directs– […]
Meet the cast of Be Here Now
Meet the cast of NC Stage’s new romantic comedy, Be Here Now.
20th Anniversary Raffle!
In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, we are excited to offer this very special NC Stage Fundraising Raffle! A RAFFLE, HUH? WHAT WOULD I WIN?The winner of the raffle (to be drawn May 20th, 2023) will receive the following gifts and experiences: A catered dinner for two by Red Fiddle […]
Who’s Who in The Roommate?
The Roommate opens tonight at NC Stage with Pay What You Can Night! With a minimum ticket price of $6/ticket, it’s the best bargain out there to see professional theatre in Asheville. Take a look at this fantastic cast then grab your seat! The show runs from October 5 – […]
Announcing the 2022-23 Season!
North Carolina Stage Company’s 20th Season brings a mix of comedies, dramas, and new work all centered around what it means to be human. Themes of love, loss, family, rebirth, revolution, and freedom permeate the first full season back since 2020.
Two Truths and a Lie with The Cast of Lifespan of a Fact!
The cast of The Lifespan of a Fact is over a week into rehearsals for this smart comedy about facts, fiction, and everything that lies in between. Can you beat them at their own game? Each cast member provided two truths and one lie about themselves. Read through and see […]
Jeeves Intervenes! Who’s Who?
Jeeves Intervenes (our first show of 2022!) opens Wednesday February 2, and we are beyond excited! Are you excited too?? Get your tickets now! Curious who you’ll be seeing up on the stage? Read on to find out and to see a mix of faces both familiar and new! Peter […]
What Makes a Holiday Classic?
It’s that time of year again for the holiday themed listicle. You know, the list/article about the top holiday (fill in the blank) for 2021. It could be The Top 10 Gifts for your (mother, sister, father, brother, son, daughter, spouse, coworker, etc.) The Top 5 Holiday (drinks, meals, desserts, […]